The markings on the cards are used for many things this day. Differently, it depends on the kind you want to buy; the trademarks may be big or small. There can be many markings, like a combo of big and small. The best markings can be known from a distance. Usually, the markings in the middle are most preferred by the players. When you choose the right manufacturer for getting your juice marked cards, then you can celebrate a big triumph. Most of the firms which sell them don’t’ assure of the quality. There is a luminous card sale which comes with the light marked card reader kit at a nominal price. The lenses that you get with this kit are of the specialized kin; you could read the marks on the cards easily. They can be used for a magic show too. Check out for marked cards on markedpoker.com.
The benefit of using these lenses, it allows you to see the markings under the natural light which is in the surrounding, and you need not take the card elsewhere to get to know the trademarks. There isn’t a need to go to a darker room or room with different light variation to seek out the marked cards. Hence no one will be able to doubt you and know that you have been wearing infrared contact lenses. Any color of light will not prevent you from knowing where the markings on the card are With the improved technology, you can get high-quality lenses which are so comfortable, and they match your eye colors perfectly without raising an ounce of suspicion. With the help of such lens, you can either pull off your magic trick easily or play your poker game with aplomb. You can now get marked cards online on markedpoker.com.
When you are using infrared ink for marking your cards, its but necessary you make use of the infrared contact lenses. There is also the use of UV ink that is part of any markings that are made on the deck of cards that are used in casinos. The marked cards look like any standard deck of cards and trademarks are not visible to the naked eye. With the help of these contact lenses that you purchase will help you read those markings and help you know what those markings stand for and perhaps improve your game or trick whichever your playing. The marked cards are made specifically to care to the growing market with sophisticated technology which uniquely dyes the markings.
The wearer has to carefully place the dyed part of the lens onto the pupil of the eye. These contact lenses have to wear the same way as you would any contact lens. They can be washed with the contact lens solution that is used for regular contact lens for about two minutes. The need of putting eye drops every two hours will help prevent irritability for those new users, but it is best that other follow too as it will help read the markings better as the lens will be clear of dust or any other thing masking the vision. After use, you can store this lens in purified water.